BGP training
In November 2004, the TOTEM project organised in Louvain-la-Neuve a
two-days training on BGP and C-BGP for the members of the E-Next
Network of Excellence funded by the EC.
The material used for those courses is now freely available.

This training material is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Interdomain routing with BGP4
- Part 1 : Organization of the global Internet (Slides in OpenOffice,
Slides in pdf,
Notes in pdf)
- Part 2 : BGP Basics (Slides in OpenOffice,
Slides in pdf,
Notes in pdf)
- Part 3 : BGP in large networks (Slides in OpenOffice,
Slides in pdf,
Notes in pdf)
- Part 4 : Interdomain traffic engineering with BGP
(Slides in OpenOffice,
Slides in pdf,
Notes in pdf)
- Part 5 : BGP-based Virtual Private Networks
(Slides in OpenOffice,
Slides in pdf,
Notes in pdf)
C-BGP tutorial
Olivier Bonaventure is currently Professor in the
Department of Computing
Science and Engineering at the Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium where he leads the network research group.
Bruno Quoitin is a researcher at the
Department of Computing
Science and Engineering at the Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium. He is the main developer of C-BGP and
works on the TOTEM project.