The TOTEM project
The objective of the TOTEM project (TOolbox for Traffic Engineering
Methods) is to develop a toolbox of algorithms for traffic engineering
purposes. Therefore, we will
unify the algorithms which we already proposed these last years and we
will develop new techniques of traffic engineering applicable in a
single network as well as between distinct networks. These techniques
will take into account the distribution of the traffic, the
fault-tolerance requirement and the support of the quality of service.
We will develop generic algorithms for the optimization of networks of
big size which will apply, on one hand, to IP networks, and on the other hand, to
networks operated with (G)MPLS. Some of these algorithms will require
extensions to the routing (OSPF-TE, ISIS-TE, BGP) or signalling (RSVP-TE)
protocols which we will submit to IETF. Our toolbox will be
available in open source and will be designed such that its elements can
easily be integrated in various platforms such as Linux PCs, routers,
and open source network simulators like NS and/or J-Sim.
The TOTEM project is funded by the Direction Générale des Technologies, de
la Recherche et de l'Energie of the Walloon government. It started
in November 2003 and will last for three years.
Additional information
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