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Toolbox: Release 3.0

TOTEM and C-BGP courses at EuroFGI
slides TOTEM ]
slides C-BGP ]

C-BGP course at ISSNSM
slides ]


Toolbox: Release 2.3

TE Questionnaire

The TOTEM project is a three-years research project funded by the governement of the Walloon region in Belgium. Almost 20 man.years, equally divided among the three participating research groups, will be devoted to the development of an open source toolbox containing Traffic Engineering tools suitable for IP/MPLS based networks.

We would appreciate if you could help us to identify the main requirements for such tools by filling the survey below. The information that you provide will be used by the researchers working on the toolbox. We will also write an anonymised document that summarizes the responses without revealing ISP names.

(An ASCII version of this form is also available here. Please send it to this address)

1. Your network

1.1 Which traffic information do you use to engineer your network ?

Which combination of monitoring and TE tools do you use ?

1.2 What kind of tools are important to you

  • Off-line tool  
  • On-line tool  
  • Centralized TE tool (server)  
  • Decentralized/distributed TE tool (in routers, e.g. CSPF)  
  • Strategic TE tool (sort of quasi static optimisation)  
  • Tactical TE tool (reaction to some events in real-time)  

    1.3 Do you know your traffic matrix ?

    as a POP-POP intradomain matrix
    as a prefix-prefix interdomain matrix
    as an AS-AS interdomain matrix
    Others, please explain

    How do you get this traffic matrix ?
    Network tomography from link traffic measurements ?
    Direct measurement ?

    1.4 Where do you observe congestion ?

    On internal links (backbone, backbone to POP, intra-POP)
    On links with customers
    On links with peers
    On links with providers

    Can you quantify ?

    1.5 What kind of SLAs do you provide ?

    What is your major concern in terms of SLAs ?

    What are the SLAs you would like to provide in the future ?

    1.6 Could you provide some data on your network (rough number of nodes and links per area/AS, number of areas/ASes) ?

    What is your company's name ?

    2. IGP-based Intradomain Traffic Engineering

    2.1 How do you currently set your IGP metrics ?

    CISCO standard (1 / capacity)
    CISCO standard (1 / capacity) + local manual tuning
    Other static rule, please explain

    Optimization based on a demand prediction

    2.2 At which rate would you accept to change your IGP metrics to adapt to the traffic ?

    Any dynamic solution that would improve the traffic
    Periodical change: once every ... hours / days / weeks
    As few changes as possible to keep the control of the routing

    2.3 Do you allow multiple shortest paths for a single origin-destination pair ?

    3. MPLS-based Traffic Engineering

    3.1 Which MPLS features are important to you ?

  • Traffic optimization, load balancing ?
  • Protection and restoration ?
  • QoS-based routing of LSPs ?
  • Congestion control ?
  • Load sharing (among several parallel LSPs) ?
  • Fair allocation of unreserved bandwidth ?

    For what purposes would you use on-demand LSPs ?

    At which expected frequency ?

    How would you use preemption levels ?

    Would you use them for QoS purposes ?

    3.2 If (G)MPLS is used for protection and/or restoration, which of these techniques are important to you ?

  • Edge-to-edge ?  Local backup ?
  • Pre-established backup ?  With (shared) resource provisioning ?
  • Bypass tunnels ?  Detours LSPs ?

    Would any of these be traffic-class dependent ?

    Should protection/restoration be SRLG aware ?

    Should protection/restoration be preemption level dependent ?

    Would you still advocate the use of other kinds of link protection(e.g. SONET) ?

    Which one and why ?

    3.3 Do you expect a need for inter-AS tunnels in the future ? If so,

    For which applications ?

    How often do you expect to establish those tunnels ?

    What constraints could apply to these tunnels (in terms of resources, protection, restoration, ...) ?

    4. BGP-based Interdomain Traffic Engineering

    4.1 Do you engineer your interdomain traffic ?

    If so, what is the most important for you
    Outgoing traffic ?
    Incoming traffic ?
    Both are important.

    4.2 If you control your incoming traffic, which technique(s) do you use ?

    More specific prefixes ?
    Selective announcements ?
    AS-Path prepending ?
    MED ?
    Communities ? If so, how ?

    Others, please explain

    4.3 If you control your outgoing traffic, which technique(s) do you use ?

    Local preferences ?
    Route optimization tool ?
    Others, please explain

    4.4 What is for you the major drawback of BGP ?

    Slow convergence
    No multi-path routing
    No quality information for the routes
    Low control on the incoming/outgoing routes
    Lack of traffic differenciation
    Others, please explain

    Could you elaborate on this ?

    5. Miscellaneaous

    5.1 Do you have or do you foresee other traffic engineering issues ? Please describe them here ?

    Do you want to be kept informed about the results of the TOTEM project ?
    If so, what is your e-mail address ?


  • Responsible: Olivier Bonaventure Last modification: 6/26/2008 - technical problem: