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G. Leduc, H. Abrahamsson, S. Balon, S. Bessler, M. D'Arienzo, O. Delcourt,
J. Domingo-Pascual, S. Cerav-Erbas, I. Gojmerac, X. Masip, A. Pescaph,
B. Quoitin, S.F. Romano, E. Salvatori, F. SkivÈ, H.T. Tran, S. Uhlig, and
H. mit.
An open source traffic engineering toolbox.
Computer Communications, 29(5):593-610, March 2006.
[ bib |
Abstract ]
S. Uhlig, B. Quoitin, J. Lepropre, and S. Balon.
Providing public intradomain traffic matrices to the research
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 36(1):83-86, Jan.
[ bib |
Abstract ]
S. Cerav-Erbas, O. Delcourt, B. Fortz, and B. Quoitin.
The interaction of IGP weight optimization with BGP.
In The international Conference on Internet Surveillance and
Protection (ICISP), Cap EstÈel, France, 29-31 Aug. 2006.
[ bib |
Abstract ]
Intradomain traffic engineering with IGP weights
H. Ümit and B. Fortz.
Fast heuristic techniques for intra-domain routing metric
In Proc. INOC 2007, April 2007.
[ bib ]
H. Ümit.
A column generation approach for IGP weight setting problem.
In CoNEXT 2005, Student Workshop, October 24-27th 2005.
[ bib ]
B. Fortz and M. Thorup.
Increasing internet capacity using local search.
Computational Optimization and Applications, 29(1):13-48,
[ bib |
Abstract ]
B. Fortz and M. Thorup.
Robust optimization of OSPF/IS-IS weights.
In W. Ben-Ameur and A. Petrowski, editors, Proc. INOC 2003,
pages 225-230, October 2003.
[ bib |
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B. Fortz, J. Rexford, and M. Thorup.
Traffic engineering with traditional IP routing protocols.
IEEE Communications Magazine, 40(10):118-124, 2002.
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Abstract ]
B. Fortz and M. Thorup.
Optimizing OSPF/IS-IS weights in a changing world.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
20(4):756-767, 2002.
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Abstract ]
B. Fortz.
On the evaluation of the reliability of OSPF routing in IP
In Proc. SSGRR 2002w International Conference - Advances in
Infrastructure for e-Business, e-Education, e-Science, and e-Medicine on the
Internet, January 2002.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
B. Fortz and M. Thorup.
Internet traffic engineering by optimizing OSPF weights.
In Proc. 19th IEEE Conf. on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
pages 519-528, 2000.
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Abstract ]
Intradomain traffic engineering with MPLS
S. Balon, J. Lepropre, O. Delcourt, F. Skivée, and G. Leduc.
Traffic Engineering an Operational Network with the TOTEM Toolbox.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management,
4(1):51-61, June 2007.
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Abstract ]
S. Balon and G. Leduc.
Can forwarding loops appear when activating ibgp multipath load
In S. Fdida and K. Sugiura, editors, Third Asian Internet
Engineering Conference (AINTEC 2007), volume LNCS 4866 of Sustainable
Internet, Phuket, Thailand, 27-29 Nov. 2007. Springer.
[ bib |
Abstract ]
S. Balon and G. Leduc.
Combined intra- and inter-domain traffic engineering using hot-potato
aware link weights optimization.
In ACM SIGMETRICS 2008 - International Conference on Measurement
and Modeling of Computer Systems, Annapolis, Maryland, USA, 2-6 Jun. 2007.
ACM Press.
Extended version available on arxiv (arXiv:0803.2824).
[ bib |
Abstract ]
S. Balon, L. Mélon, and G. Leduc.
A scalable and decentralized fast-rerouting scheme with efficient
bandwidth sharing.
Computer Networks, 50(16), November 2006.
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Abstract ]
S. Balon and G. Leduc.
Dividing the Traffic Matrix to Approach Optimal Traffic
In Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Conference on
Networks, Singapore. IEEE Xplore, September 2006.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
F. Skivée, S. Balon, and G. Leduc.
A scalable heuristic for hybrid IGP/MPLS traffic engineering - Case
study on an operational network.
In Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Conference on
Networks, Singapore. IEEE Xplore, September 2006.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
S. Balon, F. Skivée, and G. Leduc.
How Well Do Traffic Engineering Objective Functions Meet TE
In Proceedings of IFIP Networking 2006, Coimbra, volume 3976.
Springer LNCS, May 2006.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
Jean Lepropre, Simon Balon, and Guy Leduc.
Totem: A toolbox for traffic engineering methods.
Poster and Demo Session of INFOCOM'06, April 2006.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
J. Lepropre and G. Leduc.
Inferring groups of correlated failures.
In ACM CoNext, Lisbon, Portugal, 4-7 Dec. 2006.
Student workshop.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
F. Skivée, S. Balon, O. Delcourt, G. Leduc, and J. Lepropre.
Architecture d'une boite à outils d'algorithmes d'ingénierie de
trafic et application au réseau GÉANT.
In Richard Castanet, editor, Actes de Colloque Francophone sur
l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP), Ingénierie des protocoles -
Qualité de service, multimédia et mobilité, pages 317-332, Bordeaux,
France, 29 Mar.-1 Avr. 2005. Hermès Lavoisier.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
S. Balon, F. Skivée, and G. Leduc.
Comparing traffic engineering objective functions.
In CoNEXT 2005, Student Workshop, Toulouse, France, 24-27 Oct.
[ bib |
Abstract ]
F. Skivée and G. Leduc.
A distributed algorithm for weighted max-min fairness in MPLS
In J. Neuman de Souza, P. Dini, and P. Lorenz, editors, Proc. of
11th IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications ICT'2004, volume
LNCS 3124 of Telecommunications and Networking, Fortaleza, Brazil, 1-6
Aug 2004. Springer Verlag.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
F. Blanchy, L. Mélon, and G. Leduc.
A Preemption-Aware On-line Routing Algorithm for MPLS Networks.
Telecommunication Systems, 24:187-206, 2-4, Oct.-Dec. 2003.
[ bib |
Abstract ]
F. Blanchy, L. Mélon, and G. Leduc.
An efficient decentralized on-line traffic engineering algorithm for
MPLS networks.
In J. Charzinski, R. Lehnert, and P. Tran-Gia, editors, Proc. of
18th International TELETRAFFIC CONGRESS - Providing Quality of Service in
Heterogeneous Environments, volume 5a, pages 451-460, Berlin, Germany, 31
Aug.-5 Sep. 2003.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
L. Mélon, F. Blanchy, and G. Leduc.
Decentralized local backup LSP calculation with efficient bandwidth
In Proc. of 10th International Conference on Telecommunications
(ICT'2003), pages 929-937, Papeete, Tahiti, 23-28 Feb. 2003. IEEE Press.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
F. Blanchy, L. Mélon, and G. Leduc.
Routing in a MPLS network featuring preemption mechanisms.
In Proc. of 10th International Conference on Telecommunications
(ICT'2003), pages 253-260, Papeete, Tahiti, 23-28 Feb. 2003. IEEE Press.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
L. Mélon and G. Leduc.
Comparaison quantitative de différentes techniques de restauration
rapide dans les réseaux IP/MPLS.
In A. Obaid, editor, Ingénierie des Protocoles - Réseaux
mobiles et ad hoc, qualité de service, multimédia, ingénierie du
trafic, pages 503-517, Montréal, Canada, 27-30 May 2002. Actes de
Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP'2002), Hermès
Lavoisier 2002.
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Abstract ]
Internet traffic characteristics
S. Uhlig, B. Quoitin, S. Balon, and J. Lepropre.
Providing public intradomain traffic matrices to the research
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 36(1), January 2006.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
S. Uhlig, V. Magnin, O. Bonaventure, C. Rapier, and L. Deri.
Implications of the topological properties of Internet traffic on
traffic engineering.
In 19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Special Track on
Computer Networks, March 2004.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
S. Uhlig and O. Bonaventure.
Implications of interdomain traffic characteristics on traffic
In European Transactions on Telecommunications, special issue on
traffic engineering, January 2002.
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Abstract ]
Interdomain traffic engineering
B. Quoitin, L. Iannone, C. de Launois, and O. Bonaventure.
Evaluating the benefits of the locator/identifier separation.
In Proceedings of MobiArch (ACM SIGCOMM Workshop), Kyoto,
Japan, August 2007.
[ bib |
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S. Uhlig and S. Tandel.
Quantifying the BGP routes diversity inside a tier-1 network.
In Proceedings of Networking 2006, Coimbra, Portugal, May
15-19th 2006.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
C. Pelsser and O. Bonaventure.
Path selection techniques to establish constrained interdomain MPLS
In Proceedings of Networking 2006, Coimbra, Portugal, May
15-19th 2006.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
C. de Launois and M. Bagnulo.
The paths towards IPv6 multihoming.
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 8(2), 2006.
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Abstract ]
B. Quoitin and S. Uhlig.
Modeling the routing of an Autonomous System with C-BGP.
IEEE Network, 19(6), November 2005.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
C. de Launois, S. Uhlig, and O. Bonaventure.
Scalable route selection for IPv6 multihomed sites.
In Proceedings of Networking 2005, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,
May 2-6th 2005.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
B. Quoitin, C. Pelsser, O. Bonaventure, and S. Uhlig.
A performance evaluation of BGP-based traffic engineering.
International Journal of Network Management (Wiley), 15(3),
May-June 2005.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
B. Quoitin and O. Bonaventure.
A cooperative approach to interdomain traffic engineering.
In 1st Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks Traffic
Engineering (NGI 2005), Rome, Italy, April 18-20th 2005.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
S. Uhlig and B. Quoitin.
Tweak-it: BGP-based interdomain traffic engineering for transit
In 1st Conference on Next Generation Internet Networks Traffic
Engineering (NGI 2005), Rome, Italy, April 18-20th 2005.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
S. Uhlig, C. Pelsser, B. Quoitin, and O. Bonaventure.
Vers des réflecteurs de routes plus intelligents.
In Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP
2005), Bordeaux, France, March 29-April 1st 2005.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
B. Quoitin and S. Tandel.
A bgp solver for hot-potato routing sensitivity analysis.
In 11th Open European Summer School (EUNICE 2005), Madrid,
Spain, March 6-8 2005.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
C. de Launois, B. Quoitin, and O. Bonaventure.
Leveraging network performances with IPv6 multihoming and multiple
provider-dependent aggregatable prefixes.
In 3rd International Workshop on QoS in Multiservice IP Networks
(QoSIP 2005), Catania, Italy, February 2-4th 2005.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
B. Quoitin.
Topology generation based on network design heuristics.
In CoNEXT 2005 Student workshop, Toulouse, France, 24-27 Oct.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
V. Van den Schrieck.
Comparison of iBGP topologies.
In CoNEXT 2005 Student Workshop, Toulouse, France, 24-27 Oct.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
C. Pelsser.
Using virtual coordinates in the establishment of inter-domain
In CoNEXT 2005 Student Workshop, Toulouse, France, 24-27 Oct.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
S. Uhlig.
On the sensitivity of transit ASes to internal failures.
2005 IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations & Management (IPOM
2005), 2005.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
S. Uhlig.
A multiple-objectives evolutionary perspective to interdomain traffic
engineering in the internet.
Accepted to the International Journal of Computational
Intelligence and Applications, Special Issue on Nature-Inspired Approaches to
Telecommunications, World Scientific Publisher, 2005.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
S. Uhlig.
A multiple-objectives evolutionary perspective to interdomain traffic
engineering in the internet.
In Workshop on Nature Inspired Approaches to Networks and
Telecommunications (NIANT) in PPSN04, Birmingham, UK, September 2004.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
S. Uhlig and O. Bonaventure.
Designing BGP-based outbound traffic engineering techniques for
stub ASes.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 34(5), 2004.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
C. Pelsser, S. Uhlig, and O. Bonaventure.
On the difficulty of establishing interdomain LSPs.
2004 IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations & Management (IPOM
2004), 2004.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
C. de Launois, O. Bonaventure, and M. Lobelle.
The NAROS approach for IPv6 multihoming with traffic engineering.
In 4th COST 263 International Workshop on Quality of Future
Internet Services (QoFIS 2003), volume LNCS 2811, pages 112-121, Stockholm,
Sweden, October 1-3rd 2003. Springer-Verlag.
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Abstract ]
B. Quoitin, S. Tandel, S. Uhlig, and O Bonaventure.
Interdomain traffic engineering with Redistribution Communities.
Computer Communications Journal, October 2003.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
O. Bonaventure, P. Trimintzios, G. Pavlou, B. Quoitin, A. Azcorra, M. Bagnulo,
P. Flegkas, A. Garcia-Martinez, P. Georgatsos, L. Georgiadis, C. Jacquenet,
L. Swinnen, S. Tandel, and S. Uhlig.
Quality of Future Internet Services, Cost263 final report,
chapter Internet Traffic Engineering, pages 118-179.
Number 2856 in LNCS. Springer-Verlag, September 2003.
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Abstract ]
S. Uhlig, O. Bonaventure, and B. Quoitin.
Interdomain traffic engineering with minimal BGP configurations.
In 18th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC), September
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Abstract ]
C. Pelsser and O. Bonaventure.
Extending RSVP-TE to support inter-AS LSPs.
In 2003 Workshop on High Performance Swithching and Routing
(HPSR 2003), June 24-27th 2003.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
B. Quoitin, S. Uhlig, C. Pelsser, L. Swinnen, and O. Bonaventure.
Interdomain traffic engineering with BGP.
IEEE Communications Magazine Internet Technology Series, May
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
B. Quoitin, S. Uhlig, and O. Bonaventure.
Using redistribution communities for interdomain traffic
In Quality of Future Internet Services (QoFIS 2002), October
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
S. Uhlig and O. Bonaventure.
On the cost of using MPLS for interdomain traffic.
In Quality of Future Internet Services (QoFIS 2000), September
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
Internet drafts
Interdomain traffic engineering
C. Pelsser, S. Uhlig, and O. Bonaventure.
Limitations induced by BGP on the computation of interdomain LSPs,
October 2004.
Work in progress, draft-pelsser-bgp-pce-00.txt.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
O. Bonaventure, S. Uhlig, and B. Quoitin.
The case for more versatile BGP Route Reflectors, July 2004.
Work in progress, draft-bonaventure-bgp-route-reflectors-00.txt.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
S. De Cnodder and C. Pelsser.
Protection for inter-AS MPLS tunnels, July 2004.
Work in progress, draft-decnodder-ccamp-interas-protection-00.txt.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
S. De Cnodder and C. Pelsser.
Protection for inter-AS MPLS tunnels, September 2003.
Work in progress, draft-decnodder-mpls-interas-protection-01.txt.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
O. Bonaventure and B. Quoitin.
Common utilizations of the BGP community attribute, June 2003.
Work in progress, draft-bq-bgp-communities-00.txt.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
C. de Launois and O. Bonaventure.
NAROS : Host-centric IPv6 multihoming with traffic engineering,
May 2003.
Work in progress, draft-de-launois-multi6-naros-00.txt.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
O. Bonaventure, S. De Cnodder, J. Haas, B. Quoitin, and R. White.
Controlling the redistribution of BGP routes, April 2003.
Work in progress, draft-ietf-grow-bgp-redistribution-00.txt.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
C. Pelsser and O. Bonaventure.
RSVP-TE extensions for interdomain LSPs, October 2002.
Work in progress, draft-pelsser-rsvp-te-interdomain-lsp-00.txt.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
B. Quoitin and O. Bonaventure.
A survey of the utilization of the BGP community attribute,
February 2002.
Work in progress, draft-quoitin-bgp-comm-survey-00.txt.
[ bib |
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Abstract ]
Responsible: Olivier Bonaventure
Last modification: 6/26/2008 - technical problem: